One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Preparing Teens for Post High School Life – A Conversation With Shellie Doub


今天的播客是 海蒂圣. 约翰 雪松镇的雪莉·杜布就是这样 为青少年高中毕业后的生活做准备.” 您将了解双注册条款, figure out when your teen is ready to start college classes, and benefit from all kinds of tips on how to navigate your student’s transition from high school to their next big step!

你可以收听这个播客 Spotify or YouTube. Plus, stay tuned for future podcasts with Cedarville faculty and staff on 海蒂圣. 约翰的通道.


张贴在 学者 双录取

Summer Studies Offers Amazing Experience for Students


夏天的研究“Summer School” = “Two of the Most Amazing Weeks of My Life!”

That’s how one high school student described her experience at Cedarville University's 夏天的学者, a two-week residential program for rising high school juniors and seniors. Summer Studies offers a unique blend of rigorous academics, 变革精神和个人成长, 和疯狂的乐趣与伟大 新朋友.

Offering a choice from among four 课程 that satisfy general education requirements in any Cedarville University major – The Bible and the Gospel, 经济学基础, 普通心理学, U.S. 历史、政治和美国文化 夏天的学者 will allow your student to experience real college life, 获得三个小时的大学学分, and make 新朋友 that will journey alongside them for their entire undergraduate career at Cedarville.

今年的暑期学习 2023年6月10日至24日 and costs $1,125, which includes the 3-credit course, housing and meals, and all activities. (俄亥俄州的学生可能有资格 免学费 通过  大学学分加. Check with your high school guidance counselor to see if you qualify.)

If your student is a rising junior or senior who is already taking 双录取 课程 or has been accepted to the 双录取 Now program, no new application is required. Students who are not yet a part of Cedarville's 双录取 can 沙巴体育 今天! 访问我们的 暑期学者网站 查看重要日期和 最后期限.


张贴在 双录取




在周六, 3月5日, Cedarville will host the Teach Them Diligently live homeschool enrichment event. 这个为期一天的现场直播活动 will take place in the Dixon Ministry Center and the Center for Biblical and Theological Studies from 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

Teach Them Diligently aims to help families fulfill the Great Commission by providing them with opportunities to unite around the Gospel and with resources that encourage, 装备, and inspire them to bring up and educate their children as ambassadors for 基督.



张贴在 双录取 事件 为什么高等教育以基督为中心



As a reminder, tomorrow, 2月8日, 2022, is the third of our 三个 信息丰富的双注册网络研讨会.

Learn how dual enrollment can help your student get a jump-start on college to save both time and money. 一旦你 注册,你会 receive a link to access the webinar on the day of the event.

周二, 2月8日, 2022, 晚上7点.m. 美国东部时间



张贴在 招生 双录取 在线研讨会

Ohio’s 大学学分加 Program: What’s New in 2022


As a reminder, tomorrow, 2月1日, 2022, is the second of our 三个信息丰富的双注册网络研讨会.

Learn how Ohio high school students can take FREE college 课程 and get updated information about 2022 大学学分加 (CCP) 截止日期、资格要求等等!

周二, 2月1日2022年下午7点.m. 美国东部时间



张贴在 招生 双录取



If your student is interested in taking college 课程 while still in high school, Cedarville's 双招生计划 is 这是一个值得他们考虑的好机会. High school students who are dual enrolled take challenging 课程 for college credit alongside their peers and current Cedarville undergraduate students. Courses are based on the strong commitment to Scripture for which Cedarville is known and led by college professors who 装备 students 通过 excellent education and intentional discipleship.

想了解更多? Our 双录取 team will be hosting a Facebook Live event and two informative webinars to introduce 你喜欢这个项目,也喜欢它给你的学生带来的好处. Ohio students can even learn how they can take 课程 for free 通过 the state's 大学学分加 (CCP) program.

今天的文章 有关这些信息丰富的活动的更多信息.


张贴在 双录取

See What 父母 and Students Say About Cedarville's 双录取


If your student is ready to get a head start on his or her college education, Cedarville's 双招生计划 is a great option. Students can take challenging college 课程 with a distinctly biblical worldview. They'll learn from outstanding, godly professors and interact with 基督ian students from 世界各地. But don't just take our word for it — listen to what a 双录取 parent and student had to say about their experience:"As parents of two 双录取...

张贴在 双录取



沙巴体育做了必要的准备, 但令人失望的, decision to cancel all on-campus events and camps for the summer, 包括暑期学者. 然而, we are pleased to offer your student the opportunity to complete a 夏天的学者 course virtually. 从圣经和福音书中选择, 政治与美国文化, or 普通心理学 and experience the same academic excellence and biblical worldview you would have enjoyed on campus, 从舒适和安全的家里...

张贴在 学者 双录取

High School Students Can Take College Courses and Save Money


You may be getting ready to send one child off to college, 但是你家里还有别的孩子吗? Cedarville University has an opportunity for them as well! Our 双招生计划 allows students to enroll in college-level 课程 while they’re still in high school, potentially saving thousands on their total college costs. 这是沙巴体育双招生计划的一部分, high school students can:Study with top Cedarville professors who will challenge them to think deeply and...

张贴在 招生 可购性 双录取



Did you know that Cedarville offers discounted online and residential graduate programs for parents? 了解更多 索要你的研究生课程指南