One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

沙巴体育, you will experience a different kind of pharmacy school, 一个明显以基督为中心的宗教, 以病人为中心, 和面向未来的.

不同的任务: Cedarville prepares competent professionals who will bring a compassionate, 从圣经的角度来看待他们的职业. More than 100 schools now offer pharmacy programs. Few of these have any type of Protestant Christian higher education affiliation. None are as theologically conservative as Cedarville University. Our unique Christ-centered stance will provide you with an exceptional and unique preparation for a successful career in pharmacy: we embrace the inerrancy and authority of the Scriptures, 要求学生有信仰的职业, include a minor in Bible as part of the required curriculum, 提供充满活力的日常教堂, 赞助一个广泛的志愿项目 基督教部委.

圣经的集成: Your academic program will be strengthened by the incorporation of the Scriptures throughout your coursework. Cedarville’s commitment to the authority of the Bible is the basis for discussions on medical ethics, 生命的神圣, 起源, and the balanced integration of faith and learning. As a result, you will be equipped to influence your profession and culture for Christ.

证明的声誉: 沙巴体育在科学方面的专长, 包括卫生专业, has 字符ized the University for more than 30 years. Employers and graduate schools eagerly recruit our alumni. You will benefit from interprofessional协作 with other academic areas across campus, 包括联合健康和心理学, 护理, 还有科学.

关键需求: The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that healthcare occupations will add more 工作 through 2028 “than any of the other occupational groups” (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 4, 2019). Fueled by an aging population and increased demand for healthcare, 药剂师未来的机会很多.

特殊的能力雪松镇独特的使命吸引了 教师 with exceptional credentials to invest their lives in students like you. 对基督和学生有爱, these pharmacy professionals bring a wealth of professional and academic experience to the classroom. And because of the low student to 教师 ratio, you will enjoy close relationships with them.

可购性: 金融援助 opportunities and one of the lowest costs among private pharmacy schools help make Cedarville’s world-class, 以基督为中心的教育负担得起. 这种财政援助和有竞争力的价格 学费, when coupled with a seven-year (as opposed to eight-year) curriculum, contributes to making your pharmacy education at Cedarville more affordable than many schools.

学生满意度: In a recent national student satisfaction survey, Cedarville was ranked #1 among all participating colleges for commitment to academic excellence, 职业服务, 计算机资源, 和更多的. 我们的学生喜欢这里. 我们相信你也会的!

最先进的设施: You will learn and grow in the beautiful 85,000平方英尺的健康科学中心, featuring the latest in healthcare instructional technology. It also includes numerous student collaboration rooms and comfortable lounges for group interaction and individual study.

全球视角: For more than 40 years Cedarville has sent hundreds of students 世界各地 在休息时间服务. 通过讲座和演示, 你会发现这也是跨文化的, 在你的药学课程的全球视野, as well as through opportunities to gain pharmacy experience abroad.

学生的参与: Students have many opportunities to join national and local pharmacy organizations, 为他们提供培训机会, 领导, 和服务. 组织包括:

  • ACCP-SCCP: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Student College of Clinical Pharmacy
  • APhA-ASP: American Pharmacists Assoc, American Student Pharmacists
  • ASHP-SSHP: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 卫生系统药剂师学生协会
  • CPFI: Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International
  • Kappa Psi:医药兄弟会
  • Phi Lambda Sigma: International Pharmacy Leadership Society
  • 药学兄弟会
  • Rho Chi学会:药学荣誉学会
  • RxConnections: Pre-Pharmacy Or
  • 学生学术顾问委员会
  • 全国学生药剂师协会
年度报告 咨询委员会


  • The Cedarville University 药学院 will be the school of choice for Christian pharmacy students, 以卓越著称, 字符, 信仰的集成, 协同服务.


  • Cedarville University 药学院 equips student pharmacists to assess and meet the comprehensive health needs of diverse populations through 以病人为中心 care, 仆人领导, 道德决策, interprofessional协作,  scholarly innovation, and continued personal and professional development.


  • 字符 – Regarding 字符 as a foundation for compassionate care,明确的观点, and ethical decisions the school considers the development of godly 字符 as its highest priority in the lives of its students.
  • 全球服务 -学校拥有全球视野, endeavoring to equip graduates for service locally, 区域, 在全国范围内, 与国际, maintaining a particular sensitivity to the underserved.
  • 道德 -学校提倡行为, 实践, and research consistent with the Truth of the Scriptures and example of Christ.
  • 协作 – Though structured into distinct administrative and academic units, the school pursues collaborative relationships and activities internally, 外部, 和interprofessionally, 向学生示范价值 and effectiveness of working together to achieve worthwhile goals.
  • 创新 – The school promotes and celebrates the discovery of creative solutions to issues that challenge the delivery of effective patient care. Recognizing continuous innovation as a quality found in effective organizations today, the school actively integrates contemporary topics and 实践s into the curriculum.
  • 仆人领导 – The school equips students to serve others with distinctive 领导 in their personal and professional lives, placing the needs of others above their own and leading efforts to make a difference in the 社区.